Eight Reasons Obamacare is Failing

Jun 8, 2018

Stephen Moore is an economist and a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation. He had a recent op-ed in The Washington Times that nicely outlined eight reasons Obamacare is failing. (here) Democrats and progressives continue to spin the argument that Obamacare is working - with only a bit of fine tuning, or “tweaking”, Obamacare can reach its promised goals.

Remember those goals – bend the ever-rising cost curve of health care down; if you liked your doctor you could keep him/her; every American will have health insurance; and every family in America would save $2,500 per year on their health insurance?

Moore’s arguments against Obamacare, on the other hand, include:

  • Health insurance is more expensive than ever.
  • Entitlement spending has exploded.
  • Obamacare has not slowed the ever-rising cost of health care.
  • Americans are paying more money for less care.
  • There are now fewer insurance choices.
  • Medicaid enrollment is exploding and accounts for most of those newly insured in Obamacare.
  • Almost 30 million Americans still do not have health insurance – about 60 percent of those uninsured when Obamacare became law.
  • Obamacare ignores cost-saving alternatives.

The “tweaking” of Obamacare is simply more taxpayer money to shore up the failing law. As Obamacare predictably fails because of structural problems, supporters not only push for more money, but also ultimately for a single-payer system. (here, here)

Medicare, Medicaid, and now Obamacare are not financially sustainable in their present forms. (here) A single-payer government-run health care system would either bankrupt the country or would force unacceptable rationing of health care.

It is beyond time for the government to exit our health care delivery system and allow patients to take charge of their own medical care.

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