NEW VIDEO: Janus decision a victory for rights of public employees

Mar 21, 2019

In 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court's Janus decision affirmed the First Amendment rights of public employees. Numerous efforts are underway in Olympia and elsewhere to curtail those rights.  This video shows why those efforts are putting political interests ahead of the individual rights of government employees. This video provides you with the key aspects and implications of the Janus decision in just two and a half minutes. 

The Court ruled that it was unconstitutional to force public employees to pay dues or fees to a public employee union. The relationship has to be voluntary and people must opt to join. The Court affirmed Illinois Child Support Specialist Mark Janus' argument that the public union was inherently political, lobbying for taxes, hiring and firing practices, spending priorities, and budgets. Janus argued it was unconstitutional for him to be forced join or pay an organization he disagreed with and the Court agreed with him. State, local and county employees in Washington state now have the right to opt-out if they so choose without paying penalties, dues or fees. 

Check out our NEW VIDEO here and be sure to share it on your social media! 

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