
Long-term changes to the U.S. health care system after the COVID-19 crisis

About the Author
Roger Stark
Senior Fellow, WPC Center for Health Care

Click here to read the full Policy Note, Long-term changes to the U.S. health care system after the COVID-19 crisis

Key Findings

  1. Temporary changes in the U.S. health care system were needed to treat the surge in COVID-19 patients. As Americans return to a more normal life after the COVID-19 pandemic, the question is whether the health care delivery system will retain those temporary changes on a permanent basis.
  2. As the pandemic passes, employer-paid health insurance will continue, even though workers would have greater security if they owned their own health coverage.
  3. As people lost their jobs, it has become clear that tying health insurance to work is a poor health care policy. A much better plan would be to allow workers to have their own health insurance through health savings accounts and high-deductible insurance.
  4. Fee-for-service in health care remains popular in the U.S. However, the COVID-19 crisis may make the health maintenance organization model more attractive for both hospitals and physicians.
  5. Telemedicine has proved to be very effective. It increases access to health care while holding down costs. As people become more comfortable with on-line meetings, telemedicine will undoubtedly expand.
  6. Single-payer advocates will continue to argue for more government involvement and control of the U.S. health care system, even though the resources of private health care are essential in fighting COVID-19.
  7. Private health insurance companies will continue to have a major role in the U.S. health care system, especially in the employer market place.
  8. To combat future community health crises, public health funding must become a priority of government.
  9. From a practical and financial standpoint, it makes no sense for hospitals to increase their number of beds in anticipation of another oncein-a-century catastrophe.

Click here to read the full Policy Note, Long-term changes to the U.S. health care system after the COVID-19 crisis

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