Mental health should take center stage in rural communities
May 1, 2024

There is an abundance of research regarding the interconnectivity between socioeconomic circumstances and mental health. Farmers and ranchers are not immune to those interconnections. The USDA noted average on-farm income was just less than $80,000 annually, with just  43 percent of farms and ranches reporting positive cash flow in 2022.

As spring work continues on farms and ranches throughout the U.S. and operating expenditures begin to come due, remember to check in with local food producers. Be on the lookout for signs and clues that a friend or neighbor may be suffering from additional stressors that may lead to something more serious.

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Why Paul Guppy asked to shift roles
Apr 30, 2024

Readers of the upcoming issue of Viewpoint, WPC's magazine, will soon find the latest issue in their mailboxes featuring a Q&A with Paul Guppy, WPC's Vice President for Research-- at least he holds that title for the next ten and a half hours or so.  Paul is stepping down as the head of WPC's research department and taking the title of Senior Researcher. Why he's doing this and what he plans to do next are answered below....


Why did you decide you wanted to transition from Vice President for Research to Senior Researcher?

After 26 years as Vice President, it seemed like a good time to return to more writing and less managing. I started at WPC as a researcher, primarily on tax and budget issues, and since then we have built a great team driven by intellectual curiosity, professionalism, and independent thinking. But the growth meant I spent more and more time overseeing other people’s projects and less on my own. WPC has grown in size and influence by over 600%, due to the amazing support of our board and members, to become one of the most prominent state think tanks in the country. Moving to the Senior Researcher position will allow me to spend less time on administrative tasks and more time on research, analysis and commentary. In other words, I will be more directly advancing WPC’s mission to promote cutting-edge ideas that benefit everyone living in Washington.

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Myers promoted to head research program at Washington Policy Center
Apr 30, 2024

As a broadcaster in Seattle for many years, there were two people I could reliably call for analysis on key state and local issues. Paul Guppy and Todd Myers. Paul was my go-to source for recaps of the state legislative sessions and general analysis. I always had fun with his dry, Dragnet "just the facts" style of delivery and I always learned something. I think my audience did too.  And when it came to environmental policy or energy policy, I knew I could count on Todd. It seemed no state absurdity could escape his notice or his careful invocation of the data. 

Below is the text of the press release announcing a transition in roles for the two men.  Paul is stepping down from the management side and seeking to engage more on the policy and writing side. Todd has been promoted to lead the research team.  It's a time of congratulations and celebration for both, which is a wonderful situation to be in. I look forward to seeing which issues catch the eye of WPC's new Senior Researcher, Paul, and how Todd approaches the role of research director for WPC.



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