WPC YPs sponsor Seattle City Council debate

Aug 27, 2019

Trigger alert: Debates often feature differing points of views making it exceptionally likely you will be exposed to at least one point of view you disagree with.

WPC's Young Professional's are co-sponsoring a debate with CityClub -- and we expect to disagree with some -- maybe even most of the policies expressed!

Washington Policy Center's Young Professionals are among the sponsors of the Seattle City Council debate for district 1.  The event takes place on October 10th at the Youngstown Cultural Arts Center on Delridge Way SW in West Seattle.  The cost is free, but the seating is limited.

Why sponsor a debate in Seattle? Because civil debate is important as is the city of Seattle -- for the whole state.   It probably comes as no surprise to WPC supports that the debate will feature policy positions WPC disagrees with... and we're okay with that.  We support open and civil debate-- it's why our YP organization has sponsored debate events at some of our state's best colleges. We hope other organizations and institutions follow suit. 

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