
2020 WashingtonVotes Annual "Missed Votes" Report

About the Author
Franz Wiechers-Gregory Director

Every year, WashingtonVotes releases a "missed votes" report on lawmakers, compiling how many floor votes each lawmaker missed during the legislative session. Before the report is released, those with the most votes missed are asked for comment or explanation so that their missed votes can be read within context.  For example, often votes are missed due to personal or family illness. 

Below is the link for the full 2020 Missed Votes Report as well as explanations from lawmakers providing context to the report.  Lawmaker comments are provided verbatim.


Download file 2020 WashingtonVotes Missed Votes Report


Legislators’ Comments on Missed Votes Record - 2020 Regular Session

Below are the responses of the following lawmakers:

Senator Phil Fortunato

Rep. Jared Mead

Rep. Kelly Chambers

Senator Randi Becker

Rep. Dan Griffey

Rep. David M. Paul

Senator McCoy

Rep. Drew MacEwen


Senator Fortunato was unfortunately in the hospital and recovering from a serious illness during floor action resulting in missed votes.


Senator Phil


Senator Phil Fortunato

31st Legislative District

P: (360) 786-7660 │ C: 253-680-9545 │ E:





 Thank you so much for checking in with me on this. I appreciate the work you do in tracking these numbers each session.


The votes I missed are all from the same two days- March 4th and March 5th. On those days I was at home with my wife as she suffered through the miscarriage of our second child.


Thanks again for providing me the opportunity to provide context to these missed votes.


Take care,


Jared Mead

State Representative | 44th Legislative District






Thank you for sharing with me the information you collect regarding Legislators’ vote records.  I missed 24 votes on Sunday, February 16th because I left for about 2 hours to attend the funeral for my Pastor, Art Hunt, in Puyallup.


Warmest regards,


Kelly Chambers

State Representative – LD 25

Washington House Republicans

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426 John L. O’Brien Bldg.

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I missed one day of votes as I was home sick. Not something I wanted but sick enough I could not leave my house. 


Sen. Randi Becker (LD 2)





I missed votes this year due to cascading events arising from my mother’s sudden illness and death.


Thank you,


Rep. Dan Griffey (LD 35)





Thank you for reaching out to Rep. Paul’s office. Here’s a statement on his absence: “I had a personal medical emergency on March 6, 2020 (Unrelated to COVID-19/Coronavirus) that caused me to miss some votes in the last seven days of session. I did not miss any votes prior to that, including voting in favor of SB 6404 on 3/5.

Thank you,


Sara Develle

Legislative Assistant to Representative David M. Paul

Washington State House of Representatives | 10th Legislative District

309 John L. O'Brien Building | Olympia, WA 98504 | 360.786.7914




I’m Sen. McCoy’s communications specialist. Yesterday his office passed along your invitation for him to offer a statement about his missed votes. Hopefully this is making it to you in time for your deadline. The senator would like to say that the votes he missed were due to bouts of illness and were all excused.


Thank you!


Hannah M. Sabio Howell

Communications Specialist

Senate Democratic Caucus

Office: 360.786.7326

Email: Hannah.


(** WashingtonVotes received this response after our deadline, but we recognize legislative staff is very busy and the current crisis has only added to that, and the purpose of this report is to provide full context, so we unreservedly include Rep. Drew MacEwen's response below)


I was not given an opportunity to respond to the missed votes issue.  I missed a number of votes due to a death in the family that took me away from the capitol.


I would appreciate it if that would be added to your record.  



Kindest Regards,

Drew MacEwen


WA State House of Representatives

35th Dist. Pos 2




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