
Labor unions and their license to violence

About the Author
Erin Shannon
Director, Center for Worker Rights

While Antifa justifies its violence against anyone who demonstrates any semblance of conservative views as the only way to achieve “peace,” another group has similarly claimed a right to violence as a means to accomplish their goals.

Organized labor has long taken advantage of a 1973 Supreme Court decision that allows unions to intimidate, threaten and harass as long as they are doing it in the name of “legitimate union business.”  Under U.S. v Enmons, union members can’t be investigated or prosecuted for what would otherwise be considered criminal activity if it is done in the course of “legitimate union business.”

This means labor unions have a free pass to terrorize anyone who dares to reject unionization efforts. 

Based on this legal loophole, a jury in Boston last week delivered a not guilty verdict in a case of Teamst2017-08-22ers Local 25 members accused of threatening, and engaging in, violence against staff members of the popular “Top Chef” cable-TV show.  The union thugs demanded the non-union show hire union workers, and when that didn’t happen, they began a campaign designed to scare the show’s staff into submission. 

According to multiple Top Chef staff, union members “roughed up” staffers, slashed their tires, hurled racist, sexist and homophobic slurs, made bomb threats and told the show’s host “we’re gonna get you” and “smash [her] pretty little face.”  One Top Chef staffer was so concerned for his safety he “slept with a knife and a hatchet” and ended up quitting his job.

Top Chef staff members even videotaped the union threats.  A group of Harvard students attending the trial were so disturbed after watching the threatening videos they left the courtroom, saying, “We were shocked. The language was disgusting.”

While anyone else who engaged in such behavior would be behind bars, and thoroughly vilified for their disgusting hate speech by the media, such thug behavior is perfectly legal, and acceptable, for union members.

You can listen to some of the shockingly racist and sexist hate speech by members of Teamsters Local 25 here (warning: graphic and offensive language):

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