Sound Transit Board wants $50 billion in taxes and fares to boost rail spending

Mar 24, 2016

Sound Transit Boardmembers today released their draft Sound Transit 3 plan to raise taxes to boost rail spending for the next 25 years. Their initial plan includes $27 billion in sales tax increases, motor vehicle excise tax increase and a property tax increase over the next 25 years in addition to bond revenue, federal taxes out of the highway trust fund, and fare revenue. Their total package would cost $50 billion to build and millions more to operate.

Many of the proposed projects Sound Transit officials want wouldn’t be finished until the mid-to-late 2030’s and even into the 2040’s. Yet taxes would begin as early as next year should boardmembers vote to place the tax measures on the general election ballot. Even worse, the taxes would be imposed indefinitely.

In addition, Sound Transit Boardmembers’ draft plan would extend existing Sound Move and Sound Transit 2 taxes indefinitely, possibly forever. The draft plan already includes studies for a future Sound Transit 4 tax plan.

This goes against what Sound Transit officials told the public, and The Seattle Timesback in 2008. They said that if Sound Transit 2 taxes pass, the “board of directors would reduce the sales tax when Proposition 1 projects were paid off.” At the time, rail critics warned that Sound Transit 2 taxes would be imposed indefinitely, but local media said that wouldn't happen.

Yet, as The Seattle Times reported today, under the new plan, “Existing taxes would continue, and help fund ST3 for decades, if the measure wins.”

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