Olympia versus Olympia on city income taxes

Oct 25, 2018

I know that legal arguments can sometimes be confusing, but it is a bit surprising to see the City of Olympia do a complete 180 in just two short years concerning its authority to impose a local income tax. Consider the following positions the City of Olympia has taken: 

I'm tempted to file a public records request to see what possibly could have changed for Olympia in the last two years, but I'm pretty sure it would be denied claiming "attorney client privilege." 

I think Olympia got it right in 2016. In fact, King County Superior Court Judge Ruhl would probably agree since he ruled the Seattle income tax illegal saying

"To summarize, the Defendants’ motions will be denied and the Plaintiffs’ motions will be granted because the City’s tax is not an 'excise tax' and thus is not authorized by RCW 35A.82.020 and RCW 35.22.280(32); the City’s tax is not authorized by RCW 35A.11.020; the City’s tax is not otherwise authorized by any other statute; and RCW 36.65.030 prohibits the tax."

Additional Information
Olympia Council can help Seattle Council understand local income tax ban
AWC argues every WA city should be able to impose an income tax
Timeless advice from WA Supreme Court on income taxes

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