I BELIEVE respect for parents and learning needs of children come first

Jan 12, 2018

Marcie Maxwell, a stout union apologist, issued a “Resolution” (her word) recently defending the public education bureaucracy and opposing any reforms that would empower parents and children whose needs are ignored, diminished or overlooked by the current system. 

In response, I propose all open-minded people consider an alternative “Resolution,” in a caring and inclusive way:

I BELIEVE respect for parents and children is a pillar of public education.

I BELIEVE taxpayers are responsible for funding education for those who cannot afford it, on an equal and equitable basis.

I BELIEVE parents have the right to make caring choices about the education of their children, and that school administrators, elected officials and powerful union executives should respect parents’ decisions.

I BELIEVE no family and no child should be forced to attend an assigned school based on zip code simply because that serves the ends of the adults in the system.

I BELIEVE all parents should have the right to choose an alternative school if their assigned school does not meet the needs of their children, and that these choices include sending a child to a private school or charter public school, just as many school district employees choose for their own children.

I BELIEVE that in any conflict between the financial benefits of adults, or the political agenda of a union, and the learning needs 2018-01-12of children, that the learning needs of children should come first.




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