Gov. Inslee's latest wasteful EV subsidy is the equivalent of paying $1,125 for a latte
Apr 24, 2024

Governor Inslee wants to buy 8,767 people a $1,125 latte. Metaphorically, at least.

Governor Inslee’s new program to subsidize the purchase of electric vehicles is so wasteful at reducing CO2 emissions, it is the equivalent of paying that absurd amount for a 16-ounce latte.

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Net neutrality rears its ugly head
Apr 24, 2024

Tomorrow the FCC is voting on the Safeguarding and Securing the Open Internet (SSOI) order which would reclassify broadband networks as telecommunications. Even if that technical jumble doesn't sound familiar, one of its provisions includes "net neutrality," the principle of treating all internet traffic the same. For a brief period between 2015 and 2017 the FCC had enacted net neutrality, but FCC commissioner Ajit Pai lead the charge to revoke the original Open Internet Order and restore us to a pre-2015 internet. 

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Union greed closed schools in Port Angeles
Apr 23, 2024

A couple of weeks ago on Monday April 8th , the WEA union called an illegal strike to close the public schools in the Port Angeles School District, denying educational access to 3,500 children. Strikes by public school employees are illegal under state law.

That law didn’t stop the union, however. The union wanted more money.

The following day, on Tuesday, the district obtained a court order from the Clallam County Superior Court requiring the union to return to work. The purpose of the order was to ensure that children are not harmed by a political dispute created by adults.

The union executives ignored the judge’s order. The public schools in Port Angeles were closed for that entire week.

As noted, the cause of this dispute is union greed. The union shut the schools to gain leverage in ongoing contract negotiations. Not surprisingly the hold-up was the union’s insistence on a large pay raise. Public records show average teacher pay in Port Angeles is $92,600 plus $30,000 in benefits. For comparison, average worker salary in Port Angeles is $46,969.  

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