Is it facts or is it activism?
Apr 25, 2024

As the agricultural community dwindles, words like farming, ranching, livestock, and pesticides, have become dirty words to some. They have become words almost synonymous with environmental degradation, pollution, and emissions. 

If you ask most people involved in agriculture, they’ll tell you preserving nature is important to their livelihoods. They might point out how soil with proper pH and plenty of microorganisms offers better crop yields. They might discuss how the presence of livestock on a previously barren landscape can rejuvenate grasslands and bring native plants and animals back after being long dormant or absent.

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Promoting WA Cares is unnecessary, questionable

Persistent marketing in the millions promotes something most W2 workers in Washington state are forced to do without any prompting: participate in WA Cares. Money well spent? No. It’s been unnecessary spending, at best, for more than a year. 

Now, with Initiative 2124 asking voters if they want to make the long-term-care (LTC) program and payroll tax optional in November, promoting a program lawmakers imposed on workers is also questionable. 

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As more states enact learning choice programs that benefit children, nearly one million families have applied to participate
Apr 25, 2024

An exciting opportunity has emerged from the damage inflicted on students from the extended COVID public school shutdowns and school curriculum controversies.  Forward-looking lawmakers across the country have responded to the learning needs of children by giving them access expanded school choice funding.

The popularity of school choice is growing fastest in the South and Southeast. These laws give families public aid to customize the education program for their children, in a homeschool or in a private school, whichever is the best fit for the students.  

School choice laws fulfill the vision of the conservative economist Milton Friedman and of left-leaning academics like Theodore Sizer and Phillip Whitten.  Both sides agree choice produces the best learning results for children.

Liberal cities like Washington, D.C. and Baltimore already offer their families access, with low-income minority parents sending their children to private religious schools with this assistance.       

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